Thursday, August 16, 2012

HOW I Learned About DOE Fraud...... Body Butter?

Sharyn Bovat faced trumped up charges in Tennessee & a judge told her he'd jail her for a year.  Luckily that judge left (promoted by Governor Haslam) and then the next judge at the last minute was replaced by a "clean" judge.  Sharyn was told it was an act of god.  She knew it was people in DC that helped.  To the people that got me that judge THANK YOU!!!

After being jailed 3 times, 19+ months of court appearances and the stress of knowing I'd be jailed for a year.  The stress of dealing with death threats (that the Franklin police ignored)  and life in a small town being slandered and dealing with people that say their godly christians who I knew from my web stats were not only reading my blog but part of the reason WHY I faced so much cruelty in the state that claims to be the buckle of the bible belt.  Tennessee was ranked #1 in corruption by the Daily Beast: I believe the people their earned that title:

This was was posted on my nissan whistleblower blogspot  in late January a week before the "trumped up" trial in February of 2012.  

I want people to know the truth. People need to know HOW I learned about the DOE fraud.Since I have a JURY trial February 1st I have decided to tell 100% Everything. 

Even stuff I'm NOT comfortable with. 

NISSAN Board Member Carlos Tavares told me in February 2009 that:
“the move to Tennessee was destroying the company”.

Sharyn Bovat learned in early 2009 that Dominique Thormann (now CFO of Renault) was asking congress for over a DOE loan for over billion dollars: For a car that "some" joked would fail. Before that I'd watched NISSAN waste Tennessee taxpayer dollars. In fact I was asked by Human Resources to "waste it". After I started the blog I learned from a "former" Nissan employee that the technology Nissan was using was from the 90's. It was deemed a failure back then, Others spoke out and I learned of the fraud and I blogged about it. I believe that Mr. Tavares wanted to "clean up" Nissan and "that" is why he kept taking my emails and people communicated to me MORE problems.


I'm in the middle next to Catherine with LOTS of NISSAN her 2009 birthday party

Bottom Line the top woman at NISSAN North America and one of the top women in the auto industry told me directly about "lots" of issues in reference to the Good Ole Boy network. She told me for the same reason that Mark Silverman told me about Rahm Emanual “squashing” the story of a whistleblower fighting green fraud. In a “way” I was "dating" Catherine. PLEASE NOTE I respects gays but I’m not gay (& I don't think Catherine is either):Mark Silverman is my reference:):) 

Why would the VP of HR (Mark Stout) meet with a relocation consultant 2 times in March 2009 AFTER the Director of HR (Marlin Chapman) fired her 2 times before that?

Why would 
NISSAN board member Carlos Tavares still meet with Sharyn Bovat AFTER that happened?
Mr. Tavares told me in February 2009 that “the move to Tennessee was destroying the company”. I told him then the problem was a “good ole boy” network and the character of the good Ole Boys and lack of ethics were what was hurting the company “I admit that after I met Mr. Tavares and when I learned of the internal battle of control & I used my friendship with Catherine as a way to simply to get more information to help Mr. Tavares use in his flight to “clean up “ Nissan. Catherine was close with Dominique Thormann and Brian Carolin. I learned from Catherine their was a "corporate" war going on at Renault. Also, that Saikawa wanted eventual control of NISSAN.

I was asked to work with NISSAN board member Carlos Tavares in January 2009: see email from Marlin Chapman attached. It states that Greg Kelly said I did the "confidential" stuff.

Carlos Tavares the President of NISSAN North America, Chairman of the Americas most likely "kept" taking my emails & met with me (after HR fired me 4 times) because he needed information & knew I "was" on the inside lane, connected to many of his new reports. When Mr. Tavares took over the Americas from Mr. Saikawa in Feb 2009 he was the 1st NISSAN board member to live "outside" Japan. I was his relocation consultant & Mr. Tavares was determined to "fix" the company. When I met him to work on his relocation in early February I told him I knew their were "politics" going on and I was a "Maverick". Later Mr. Tavares made a comment during a conference call that "Sharyn Bovat is highly efficient & the smartest person I've met in Tennessee" and because he said that "I was NOT liked" by HR.

Back to Catherine Perez the VP of Purchasing: She was a client of mine in 2008 who became a friend. I went to a lot of parties with her attended by Nissan Renault executives,Because of my friendship with Catherine I learned that Dominique Thormann the now CFO of Renault was asking congress for over a billion. At the same time the good ole boys said the car was to fail. ( I did not know until after I spoke to a former NISSAN employee who read my blog that the technology Nissan was using was from the 90's).

It's possible that he kept taking my emails because "they" or Tavares wanted to know what I knew: BUT I believe that Mr. Tavares wanted to "clean up" Nissan.
Catherine gave me a lot of gifts (monogrammed towels, jewelry box from Japan, French spa products, hand painted Italian pottery. and other stuff. Her attention to me was “odd” and I wondered if she “liked me “ but I knew she was straight because I had done the relocation of Vincent Valdmann who was to be the Director of Power train for NISSAN/RNPO. Catherine was the NISSAN VP of Purchasing responsible for the RNPO and reported to her indirectly then directly. She was his boss.Interesting in reference to this: I got “several” text messages from someone connected to Greg Kelly asking me about Catherine and Vincent. Greg Kelly runs Carlos Ghosn’s CEO office in Japan. I used to play tennis on his wife’s NALTA team. Dee Kelly was a nice lady. Because we were friends over the years people told me things because “they” thought I was a Good Ole Boy supporter. 

Catherine told me she wanted to have a baby and Vincent was to be the "sperm".... they were a couple.

Vincent was not qualified for his job and I "think" Catherine used me a shield. to protect her position. Women i management at NISSAN North America were "shrinking" She asked me WHY. Women declined from 20.9% in 2006 to 10% in 2009. I told her it was the 'good ole boy' network. 

As a taxpayer I did not like seeing TN tax dollars used for a “French sperm donor”…. Most likely it cost Tennessee (via the ECD) 250K just for Vincent’s move and other “reimbursable” expenses. There was NO oversight to that cost center.

That wasteful spending made me mad

Catherine was a bold woman and some people at NISSAN thought she really was gay: She might have told people that “we” were a couple to protect her job, the fact that she violated the corporate policy by promoting a guy & then having him report to her (who she was sleeping with) Vincent (who was not qualified for his position) justifies WHY she's want people to think she was gay.

Again, the Tennessee taxpayers spent a LOT of money relocating him and an American lost his job. So "that"alone is disgusting & I thought “that” was wrong. When Catherine micro managed “his” house hunting trip it got annoying and a lot of people started "asking questions" ...

Also Catherine was about to rent Darcy Hordchuks home (a form hockey player for the Predators) and Catherine back out of signing a lease at the last minute to do the fact that a Director named Isabelle Vieulle (another former client of mine) lived a few houses away from the Hordichuck home. Darcy was mad and called a manager in NISSAN marketing and then I got called in for a conference call with Marlin Chapman. Mark Stout was the person that Catherine told me was the “contact” to assist Vincent in “upping his budget”. Mark Stout is the man that threatened my references.
Back to Catherine. She offered to help me get a "good" job because she said I was smart and talented. I have that "documented" .... I will admit she also offered to apply the body butter on me, she gave me that for Christmas in 2008
(she's french and I took it as a "cultural" misunderstanding) Then in March 2009 at a party for (her secret friend) Vincent’s 40th birthday a guy that night (from HR) video taped me “dirty dancing” with Catherine and Corp. VP John Martin.
I was told “that” was on you it's not!

Mark Stout later told me that I was close to too many executives & he did not like the fact that I had the “ear” of Mr. Tavares.
Bottom Line the top woman at NISSAN North America and one of the top women in the auto industry told me directly about "lots" of issues in reference to the Good Ole Boy network. She told me for the same reason that Mark Silverman told me about Rahm Emanual “squashing” the story of a whistleblower fighting green fraud. In a “way” I was dating Catherine. PLESAE NOTE I respects gays but I’m not gay, ask Mark Silverman.

Mr. Tavares told me in February 2009 that “the move to Tennessee was destroying the company”. I told him then the problem was a “good ole boy” network and the character of the good Ole Boys and lack of ethics were what was hurting the company. I knew that getting information from those VP’s working on the executive floor was important to help Mr. Tavares become successful. I learned “who” was loyal to the company and “who” was loyal to the “network”.
The reason why I started the blog was HR was mad at me for communicating issues to Mr. Tavares and they made my life miserable. Mark Stout threatened my employability during one of our meeting. I needed to work and HR fired me 4 times because I told Mr. Tavares about HR putting people “in every division” to protect their own. I know Middle Tennessee is a “good ole boy’ society a “who knows who” society and that Mr. Stout would indeed hurt me . Mr. Tavares has known from DAY 1 that the web site will come down when he tells me to take it down. Mr Tavares personally emailed me in 2010...get it!

 Stout, Mark []
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 7:32 PM
To: Sharyn Willensky
Subject: RE: Sharyn Bovat Willensky

Thank you for your time today. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for the follow up information. My sincere apology for the security issues described below and I will address accordingly. I will send you the letter and we can discuss.
To answer your question, if someone contacts NNA regarding you or your responsibilities, I will ensure those call are directed to me.

Why would the VP of HR (Mark Stout) meet with a relocation consultant 2 times in March 2009 AFTER the Director of HR (Marlin Chapman) fired her 2 times before that? Why would NISSAN board member Carlos Tavares still meet with Sharyn Bovat AFTER that happened?

The fact is in spring 2009 lots of maneuvering was being done for an internal power play. Mr. Tavares listened to what I had to say and I knew that he was ethical "unlike" those in HR that were involved with sleazy real estate deals and promoted unqualified people. It was Nissan North America HR that discriminated. It was NISSAN North America HR that bullied people.

They did not help me with my references and they terrorized me "just" for asking questions about bad spending of taxpayer money and discrimination. 
NOW, I have to figure out HOW to get a southern jury to "like" me.
FYI- Tavares was going to win...Ghosn's people were responsible for the Renault spy scandal: then the Tsunami hit. Ghosn regrouped and then it continued. The taxpayers are suffering!
In Summer of 2010 I was acting as my own attorney and I did “this” deposition:
Ya’ll can strap me to a lie detector: 

I have a JURY trial February 1st and have decided to tell 100% Everything. Even stuff I'm NOT comfortable with. I want people to know the truth. I'm INNOCENT andToo many GREEN industries have read my blog INCLUDING Fisker, Solyndra and others.

When Nissan executives asked congress for OVER 1 billion dollars they KNEW they did NOT have the technology.

I was the relocation consultant "who" helped bring in "team players" for the fraud to happen. I spoke up and HOPE that someone is listening.

America deserves BETTER!!!

This needs to be exposed. 
Sharyn Bovat

 This explains WHY Mr Tavares let me blog

Below is an email that I sent to Tavares and the head of NISSAN Global HR. Mentioning "code names" Let's be serious a LOT of weird crap was going on at NISSAN for Carlost Tavares to keep communicating withe me AFTER I sent him that email. In fact in May 2009 I met with him for 3 hours. THAT made HR nervous.

------Original Message------
To: Greg Kelly
Sent: Apr 28, 2009 6:10 PM
oops Prime Minister was Carolin, General Thormann & Santa Stout. 
I was never good with code names.....
Everthing is back in the box.
Can't wait to hand over the contents.
Purchased a new laptop.
Time to move
Enjoy Your Week!
~Historic Emails~
Jeff Draper is/was in charge of IT security for the top NISSAN executives. He was sent to Mr. Tavares office after I started my blog to have my email address “removed” from the computer of Mr. Tavares. Mr. Tavares told him NOT to do it. After that happened I was told the Mr. Tavares took his computer with him at all times. After talking to Jeff I created an email address with the name Helen Marie Tavares as part of the address so “if” anyone at NISSAN IT says the address they would think it was a “relative”. When I got an email from Tavares at that address I knew that the blog was a definite GO!!! Mr. Tavares knew that I had done work for former government/political operatives. My blog NEVER would have lasted this long if I did not “check out”. 
On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:53 AM, sharyn bovat <> wrote:
OK.....people will think this is a Relative...The at&t store is working on getting me a phone with a 248 area code. if it works I'll get another with at 310. It seems like a virus is hitting my computer. coincidence?
My hard copies are going in a safety box on Monday

Have a Great Day.... I'll text you when I get the new phone.
From: Jeffrey Draper <>
Date: Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: testing
To: sharyn bovat <>

Sounds good. Remember what ever you do, DON'T put anything on you website that references anything we discuss to prvent them from tiring it to me. Thanks ha a great weekend and good luck at the skating event.

Sent from my Mobile device
From: Jeffrey Draper <>
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM
Subject: Re:
To: Sharyn <>

Code? To shut down? Changed the privacy? Nervous? Why?

Sent from my Mobile device
On Jun 16, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Sharyn <> wrote:
Going after the whale...I sent a draft yesterday it's in new thoughtsSent from my iPhone

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 1:29 pm
Subject: message for bill
just thought I'd update you
I'm keeping my website. up until ct tells me to take it down.
Santa (Mark Stout)is not going to have a happy 4th... don't worry I would never put the "big ticket" items on my website (DOE Fraud) if I did then the press would have fun (I did put it up and the Press ignored the editor of the Tennessean had 'fun' ).
issue... rebates/kickbacks for insurance is not legal in tn.
there is a guy in murfreesboro that. gets lots of business.
NEW employees must use one of 3 providers. they say it to make sure
that the leased cars are insured. the rates of the other two make that
guy the best choice... still if the employee had the freedom to choose
an insurance provider they could save $$$. I asked my former GM
clients and even though they are encouraged to use GMAC insurance they
have the right to shop for the best price.
I've seem leases that are "over priced " and the landlords are an LLC
... when researching the owners of the LLC they were 2 men that
worked at different companies that had contracts with Nissan.
I have more.
ethically what I've seen is wrong. the comments I heard of
discrimination. are wrong. I love living in franklin.
my daughter is Chinese. the major employer in the community needs to
set an example of diversity. that is why I fighting!!!
change has to happen.

-----Original Message-----
From: sharynbovat <>
To: c-tavares <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 25, 2009 2:25 pm

Mr. Tavares,

Mr. Stout.....had no intention of helping me with my security problem. He threatened me with my references and it could have been over in Early March. He's the one that kept it going. He met with me a second time to give me a letter? The man interrogated me twice. He's the one that is pushing legal to sue me. I know that because a Nissan lawyer called me on my home number and Mr. Stout is the only person at Nissan to have ever done that. He crossed the line.

I just want to hear from someone at Nissan that this will have a conclusion?
Thank you &
Have A Great Day,

From: Stout, Mark []
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 7:32 PM
To: Sharyn Willensky
Subject: RE: Sharyn Bovat Willensky
Thank you for your time today. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for the follow up information. My sincere apology for the security issues described below and I will address accordingly. I will send you the letter and we can discuss.
To answer your question, if someone contacts NNA regarding you or your responsibilities, I will ensure those call are directed to me.

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